Manufacturer's blues


The state of technology sometimes gives me the blues. In 2014, I found myself installing a package called `dosfstools` to format my pendrive. That's because the car's radio wouldn't accept any device with a file system that's not fat32:

not a device

Of course possessing a file system of another kind makes the device "not a device". After a few seconds on the command line the problem went away:

$ sudo pacman -S dosfstools
$ sudo mkfs.vfat -n BILLY /dev/sdb1

but the sadness remained. At l(e)ast I can listen to some badvoltage while driving.

Oh yes, did I mention it doesn't accept any format except mp3? And how does it signal it? By not showing the files at all, of course.

mp3 badvoltage dos arch pacman shell linux billy filesystem mkfs fat unix