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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CBase64Encodes and decodes byte streams using base64
 CBase64RFCAdaptor for EncodeFunc and DecodeFunc for the RFC implementation
 Ccodex::BaseEventBase class tag to identify events
 Ccodex::CWrapper< F >Wrapper for C-style void* + function pointer pair
 Ccodex::CWrapper< f >Wraps a C-style function taking void* and calls it with T* instead
 CN::errc_for_f< f >
 CN::errc_for_f< f >
 CN::errc_for_f< g >
 Ccodex::detail::EventListenerVec< E >Storage base class for a given event type
 Ccodex::detail::EventListenerVec< Es >
 Ccodex::refl::detail::field_tuple_impl< N >Implementation of creating a std::tuple from the fields of a struct
 Canonymous_namespace{main.cpp}::finally< F >Executes an action at scope exit
 Cfixed_string< N >
 Cfixed_string_view< s, b, e >
 Canonymous_namespace{mutable.hpp}::function_objEquivalent to the lambda expression in codex::copy_mutable_lambda
 Cgenerator< parser_, pos_, Output >
 Cgenerator< parser, pos, Output >
 Cstd::experimental::reflect::test::get_public_data_members< T >
 Cstd::experimental::reflect::test::get_public_data_members< reflexpr(S)>
 Canonymous_namespace{main.cpp}::InteractiveLineParsed information from a Git interactive rebase list
 Clua_get_impl< T >
 Clua_get_impl< float >
 Clua_get_impl< int >
 Clua_get_impl< P >
 Clua_get_impl< std::string >
 Clua_get_impl< T >
 Cmember_pointer_type< T >
 Cmember_pointer_type< P T::* >
 Cparser< s >::output
 Ccodex::PacketWrapper for a raw byte buffer with methods to extract data from it
 Cparser< s >
 Cstd::experimental::reflect::detail::reflexpr_impl< T >
 Ccodex::refl::detail::storage_descriptorDefault storage descriptor
 Ccodex::refl::detail::storage_impl< S, Is, Ts >
 Cstorage_switch< N >
 Ccodex::refl::detail::to_any< auto >Structure which can be ostensibly converted to any other
 Cgenerator< parser_, pos_, Output >::type
 Ctypes< Ts >
 Cwrap< T >
 CX< N >