No Matches

Basic reflection of structures using C++17 structured bindings. Similar in spirit to magic_get/Boost.PFR but a completely independent (and simplified) implementation.

namespace refl = codex::refl;
struct E { float p, v, a; const char *n; };
// n.b. no other declarations necessary
static_assert(refl::field_count<E>() == 4);
using T = refl::field_tuple_t<E>;
static_assert(std::tuple_size_v<T> == 4);
static_assert(std::same_as<std::tuple_element_t<0, T>, float&>);
static_assert(std::same_as<std::tuple_element_t<1, T>, float&>);
static_assert(std::same_as<std::tuple_element_t<2, T>, float&>);
static_assert(std::same_as<std::tuple_element_t<3, T>, const char*&>);
void f(E *e) {
auto t = refl::field_tuple(*e);
std::apply([](const auto &...x) { (..., (std::cout << x << '\n')); }, t);
std::get<1>(t) = 42.0f;
#define f(x)
Definition 5.c:2
#define x
Definition gcc14.c:1
Definition fields.hpp:8
codex::refl::field_tuple_t< E > T
Definition soa.cpp:9
#define t(a)
Definition std2.c:10
Definition soa.cpp:6
float p
Definition soa.cpp:6
const char * n
Definition soa.cpp:6
float a
Definition soa.cpp:6
float v
Definition soa.cpp:6


Container with an interface similar to std::vector but where each field of the structure is transparently stored in its own contiguous array (i.e. a structure-of-arrays, instead of an array-of-structures).

refl::SOA<E> v = {};
// Insert using "aggregate constructor".
v.push_back({.p = 0, .v = 1, .a = 2, .n = "e0"});
// Insert default, set values using indexed "aggregate constructor".
v.set(1, {.p = 3, .v = 4, .a = 5, .n = "e1"});
// Interface similar to std::vector.
std::printf("size: %zu\n", v.size());
const auto e0 = v[0];
std::printf("e0: %g %g %g %s\n", e0.p, e0.v, e0.a, e0.n);
// Access to contiguous field storage.
const auto f1 = v.field<1>();
for(const auto &x : f1)
std::printf(" %g", x);
printf("x" "1" "= %d, x" "2" "= %s", x1, x2)
constexpr codex::vec3 v
Definition rotate_test.cpp:12
Definition common.hpp:9

A second template parameter can be used to specify the underlying storage implementation for each field to another contiguous container (the default is std::vector<T>). Its for_field member is instantiated with the index and type of each field.

struct descriptor {
template<std::size_t, typename T>
using for_field = boost::container::static_vector<T, 1024>;
using SOA = refl::SOA<E, descriptor>;
Transparently stores T objects as contiguous arrays of each field.
Definition soa.hpp:23