This is the complete list of members for nngn::CommandPool, including all inherited members.
alloc(std::size_t n) | nngn::CommandPool | |
alloc(std::size_t n, VkCommandBuffer *p) | nngn::CommandPool | private |
buffers() const | nngn::CommandPool | inline |
CommandPool()=default | nngn::CommandPool | |
CommandPool(const CommandPool &rhs)=delete | nngn::CommandPool | |
CommandPool(CommandPool &&rhs) noexcept | nngn::CommandPool | inline |
dev | nngn::CommandPool | private |
free() | nngn::CommandPool | |
free(std::size_t n, VkCommandBuffer *p) | nngn::CommandPool | private |
h | nngn::CommandPool | private |
id() const | nngn::CommandPool | inline |
init(VkDevice dev, std::uint32_t queue_family, VkCommandPoolCreateFlagBits flags={}) | nngn::CommandPool | |
m_buffers | nngn::CommandPool | private |
operator=(const CommandPool &rhs)=delete | nngn::CommandPool | |
operator=(CommandPool &&rhs) noexcept | nngn::CommandPool | inline |
realloc(std::size_t n) | nngn::CommandPool | |
reset() | nngn::CommandPool | |
~CommandPool() | nngn::CommandPool |