
A nubilous but spectacular walk along the Adriatic coast.

Trieste / Opicina / Prosecco / Miramare / Barcola

Great king, what end to their efforts will you give?
Antenor could escape through the thick of the Greek army,
and safely enter the Illyrian gulfs, and deep into the realms
of the Liburnians, and pass the founts of Timavus,
from which the river bursts, with a huge mountainous roar,
through nine mouths, and buries the fields under its noisy flood.
Here, nonetheless, he sited the city of Padua, and homes
for Teucrians, and gave the people a name, and hung up
the arms of Troy: now he’s calmly settled, in tranquil peace.
But we, your race, to whom you permit the heights of heaven,
lose our ships (shameful!), betrayed, because of one person’s anger,
and kept far away from the shores of Italy.
Is this the prize for virtue? Is this how you restore our rule?

— Virgil, Aeneid