No Matches
Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- I : nngn::Profile::context< T >
- i : anonymous_namespace{alloc.cpp}::allocation, anonymous_namespace{register_test.cpp}::user_type, anonymous_namespace{tagging_test.cpp}::allocation, anonymous_namespace{tracking_test.cpp}::tracker< T >, nngn::lua::detail::table_seq_iter< T >, test_struct, TextureTestGraphics, Window
- i0 : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::Collision
- i1 : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::Collision
- i_frame : nngn::SwapChain
- id : anonymous_namespace{static_vector_test.cpp}::S, nngn::Compute::Handle, nngn::Handle
- images : anonymous_namespace{opencl.cpp}::OpenCLBackend
- img_idx : nngn::SwapChain::PresentContext
- img_view : anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::TexArray
- info : anonymous_namespace{alloc.cpp}::tracker< T >, nngn::DeviceInfo
- input : nngn::Colliders
- inst : nngn::StagingBuffer
- instance : anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend, nngn::SwapChain
- instance_info : anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend
- inv_proj : nngn::Camera
- inv_view : nngn::Camera
- invocable : nngn::delegate_fn< F >
- is_always_equal : nngn::allocator_opts