Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- m_tests() : TestRegistry
- make_colliders() : CollisionBench, CollisionComputeBench, CollisionNativeBench
- make_sub() : nngn::lua::table_proxy< T, Ks >
- map() : nngn::detail::types_impl< Ts >, nngn::StagingBuffer, nngn::vec< CRTP, T, N >, ScheduleTest
- map_buffer() : anonymous_namespace{opencl.cpp}::OpenCLBackend, anonymous_namespace{pseudo.cpp}::Pseudocomp, nngn::Compute
- map_collision_buffer() : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::ComputeBackend
- map_impl() : nngn::vec< CRTP, T, N >
- mat3_base() : nngn::mat3_base< T >
- mat3_col() : MatTest
- mat3_mul() : MatTest
- mat3_row() : MatTest
- mat3_vec_mul() : MatTest
- mat4_base() : nngn::mat4_base< T >
- mat4_col() : MatTest
- mat4_mul() : MatTest
- mat4_row() : MatTest
- mat4_vec_mul() : MatTest
- mat_mul() : nngn::Math
- max() : Entities, LogTest, nngn::Animations, nngn::Textures
- max_colliders() : nngn::Colliders
- max_collisions() : nngn::Colliders
- max_cubes() : nngn::Renderers
- max_light() : nngn::Animations
- max_lights() : LightTest
- max_screen_sprites() : nngn::Renderers
- max_sprite() : nngn::Animations
- max_sprites() : nngn::Renderers
- max_translucent() : nngn::Renderers
- max_v() : EntityTest
- max_v_data() : EntityTest
- max_voxels() : nngn::Renderers
- max_width() : nngn::Text
- mem() : nngn::DedicatedBuffer, nngn::Image
- member_fn() : RegisterTest
- memcpy() : nngn::DedicatedBuffer
- memory_types() : anonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp}::OpenGLBackend, anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend, nngn::Graphics, nngn::Pseudograph
- meta_table() : RegisterTest
- minimumSize() : nngn::FlowGridLayout
- minor() : nngn::Math
- minor_matrix() : MatTest, nngn::Math
- minor_matrix_data() : MatTest
- minus() : FlagsTest
- mip_levels() : nngn::Math
- mix() : nngn::Audio
- mode() : Graph
- monospaced() : nngn::Textbox
- mouse_pos() : nngn::GLFWBackend, nngn::Graphics, nngn::Pseudograph
- mouseMoveEvent() : nngn::ComponentButton, nngn::PCMWidget
- mousePressEvent() : nngn::PCMWidget
- mouseReleaseEvent() : nngn::PCMWidget
- move_callback() : nngn::MouseInput