Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- p -
- parent() : EntityTest
- parent_data() : EntityTest
- path() : nngn::Socket::lock
- pcall() : FunctionTest, nngn::lua::state_view
- PCMWidget() : nngn::PCMWidget
- perror() : nngn::Log
- persp_div() : nngn::vec4_base< T >
- persp_view() : LightTest, nngn::Light
- perspective() : MathTest, nngn::Camera, nngn::Map, nngn::Math, nngn::Renderers
- perspective_transform() : nngn::Math
- physical_dev() : nngn::Device
- pi() : nngn::Math
- pixel_size() : nngn::term::FrameBuffer, nngn::term::Terminal, nngn::Terminal
- pixels() : nngn::term::FrameBuffer
- plane() : nngn::Colliders
- plane_sphere_collision() : CollisionTest
- plane_sphere_collision_data() : CollisionTest
- PlaneCollider() : nngn::PlaneCollider
- platform_name() : anonymous_namespace{opencl.cpp}::OpenCLBackend, anonymous_namespace{pseudo.cpp}::Pseudocomp, nngn::Compute
- play() : nngn::Audio, nngn::Generator
- point_lights() : nngn::Lighting
- point_proj() : nngn::Lighting
- point_view() : nngn::Lighting
- pointer_flag() : nngn::pointer_flag< T >, UtilsTest
- poll() : Poller
- poll_events() : nngn::GLFWBackend, nngn::Graphics, nngn::Pseudograph
- pop() : nngn::lua::state_view
- pos() : nngn::Generator
- pos_updated() : Entity
- post_inc() : nngn::lua::detail::table_iter_base< CRTP, T >
- pre_inc() : nngn::lua::detail::table_iter_base< CRTP, T >
- prefix() : nngn::term::FrameBuffer
- prefix_size_from_flags() : nngn::term::FrameBuffer
- present_family() : nngn::Device
- present_modes() : anonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp}::OpenGLBackend, anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend, nngn::Graphics, nngn::Pseudograph
- present_queue() : nngn::Device
- print_stack() : nngn::lua::state_view
- print_traceback() : nngn::lua::state_view
- process() : nngn::Socket
- product() : nngn::Math
- prof_info() : anonymous_namespace{opencl.cpp}::OpenCLBackend, anonymous_namespace{pseudo.cpp}::Pseudocomp, nngn::Compute
- proj() : CameraTest, nngn::term::Rasterizer
- proj_perspective() : CameraTest
- proj_screen() : CameraTest
- proxy() : TableTest
- proxy_default() : TableTest
- proxy_default_table() : TableTest
- proxy_multi() : TableTest
- Pseudocomp() : anonymous_namespace{pseudo.cpp}::Pseudocomp
- push() : nngn::lua::global_table, nngn::lua::stack_push< bool >, nngn::lua::stack_push< const char * >, nngn::lua::stack_push< error< T > >, nngn::lua::stack_push< lua_CFunction >, nngn::lua::stack_push< lua_vector< T > >, nngn::lua::stack_push< nil_type >, nngn::lua::stack_push< R(*)(Args...)>, nngn::lua::stack_push< R(T::*)(Args...) const >, nngn::lua::stack_push< R(T::*)(Args...)>, nngn::lua::stack_push< std::optional< T > >, nngn::lua::stack_push< std::string >, nngn::lua::stack_push< std::string_view >, nngn::lua::stack_push< std::tuple< Ts... > >, nngn::lua::stack_push< std::variant< Ts... > >, nngn::lua::stack_push< T & >, nngn::lua::stack_push< T * >, nngn::lua::stack_push< T >, nngn::lua::stack_push< table_proxy< T, Ks... > >, nngn::lua::stack_push< void >, nngn::lua::state_view, nngn::lua::table_proxy< T, Ks >, nngn::lua::user_data< T >, nngn::lua::value, nngn::lua::value_view
- push_global() : LuaBench
- push_metatable() : nngn::lua::detail::user_data_base, nngn::lua::user_data< T >
- push_msgh() : nngn::Generator
- push_registry() : LuaBench
- push_stack() : LuaBench
- push_sub() : nngn::lua::table_proxy< T, Ks >