No Matches
Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- r -
- r : nngn::SphereCollider, nngn::term::FrameBuffer::ColoredPixel
- radius : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::AABBCollider, anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::BBCollider, anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::Events, anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::SphereCollider, nngn::AABBCollider
- range_ebo : nngn::Renderers
- range_vbo : nngn::Renderers
- rasterizer : anonymous_namespace{terminal.cpp}::TerminalBackend
- rate : nngn::Edit, nngn::LightAnimation, nngn::PCMWidget
- ref : anonymous_namespace{lua_schedule.cpp}::entry, nngn::BindingGroup::Info
- regexps : nngn::LuaSyntaxHighlighter::category
- rel_bl : nngn::AABBCollider
- rel_center : nngn::AABBCollider
- rel_tr : nngn::AABBCollider
- render : nngn::ProfileStats, nngn::SwapChain
- render_list : anonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp}::OpenGLBackend, anonymous_namespace{terminal.cpp}::TerminalBackend, anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend
- render_pass : anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend
- renderer : Entity
- renderers : nngn::ProfileStats
- renderers_debug : nngn::ProfileStats
- req : nngn::GraphicsStats::Staging
- req_mem : nngn::StagingBuffer::Frame
- reset_color : nngn::ANSIEscapeCode, nngn::term::ANSIEscapeCode
- RIFF : nngn::WAV::segment
- rnd_3f : nngn::AnimationFunction
- rnd_f : nngn::AnimationFunction
- rot : nngn::Camera
- rot_a : nngn::Camera
- rot_dist : CollisionBench
- rot_v : nngn::Camera
- rounded_half_size : nngn::GLPost
- rows : nngn::FlowGridLayout