Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- callback_data : anonymous_namespace{terminal.cpp}::TerminalBackend, nngn::GLFWBackend
- callback_ref : nngn::Input
- called : TextureTestGraphics
- camera : anonymous_namespace{terminal.cpp}::TerminalBackend, Entity, nngn::GLFWBackend
- camera_descriptor_sets : anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend
- camera_screen_ubo : anonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp}::OpenGLBackend
- camera_ubo : anonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp}::OpenGLBackend
- cameras : EntityBench
- capacity : nngn::GLBuffer
- categories : nngn::LuaSyntaxHighlighter
- center : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::AABBCollider, anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::BBCollider, nngn::AABBCollider
- chars : nngn::Font
- CIRCLE_UV_32 : nngn::Gen
- CIRCLE_UV_64 : nngn::Gen
- clear : nngn::term::VT100EscapeCode, nngn::VT100EscapeCode
- CMD : nngn::term::FrameBuffer::ColoredPixel
- cmd : nngn::term::FrameBuffer::ColoredPixel
- cmd_pools : anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend
- collider : Entity
- colliders : CollisionTest, EntityBench, nngn::Renderers
- collision_bytes : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::ComputeBackend
- collision_check : nngn::ProfileStats
- collision_lua : nngn::ProfileStats
- collision_resolve : nngn::ProfileStats
- collisions : nngn::Colliders::Backend::Output
- color : nngn::CubeRenderer, nngn::Grid, nngn::Light, nngn::Vertex
- color_fb : nngn::GLPost
- color_spec : DirLights, nngn::LightsUBO, PointLights
- color_tex : nngn::GLPost
- cols : Window
- columns : nngn::FlowGridLayout
- compute : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::ComputeBackend, CollisionComputeBench, ComputeTest
- compute_units : anonymous_namespace{opencl.cpp}::OpenCLBackend::limits
- conf : anonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp}::Pipeline, anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::Buffers, anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::RenderList::Stage
- context : anonymous_namespace{opencl.cpp}::OpenCLBackend
- copy : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::Events
- cos : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::BBCollider, nngn::BBCollider
- count : nngn::Graphics::QueueFamily
- counters : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::Events, nngn::CollisionStats
- counters_buffer : anonymous_namespace{compute.cpp}::ComputeBackend
- counts : nngn::Textures
- cpus : anonymous_namespace{opencl.cpp}::Platform
- cube_debug_ebo : nngn::Renderers
- cube_debug_vbo : nngn::Renderers
- cube_ebo : nngn::Renderers
- cube_vbo : nngn::Renderers
- cubes : nngn::Renderers
- cur : nngn::Text
- cur_extent : nngn::Graphics::SurfaceInfo
- cur_frame : anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend, nngn::SpriteAnimation
- cur_gen : nngn::Schedule
- cur_transform : nngn::SurfaceInfo
- cutoff : nngn::Light