Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- l -
- l() : nngn::Log
- label() : Window
- lambda() : ScopedTest, StackTest
- lambda_obj() : ScopedTest
- lambda_with_storage() : ScopedTest
- last_frame() : anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend
- Launcher() : anonymous_namespace{main.cpp}::Launcher
- layer_views() : anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::ShadowMap
- layers() : anonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp}::OpenGLBackend, anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend, nngn::Graphics, nngn::Pseudograph
- layout() : nngn::DescriptorSets
- len() : nngn::lua::state_view
- length() : nngn::Math
- length2() : nngn::Math
- Light() : nngn::Light
- light() : nngn::Gen
- light_range() : nngn::Gen
- light_user_data() : StackTest
- limit() : nngn::FrameLimiter
- list() : TaggingTest, TrackingTest
- list_nested() : TrackingTest
- load() : AnimationTest, nngn::AABBCollider, nngn::AnimationFunction, nngn::Animations, nngn::BBCollider, nngn::Collider, nngn::Colliders, nngn::CubeRenderer, nngn::Fonts, nngn::GravityCollider, nngn::LightAnimation, nngn::Map, nngn::PlaneCollider, nngn::Renderers, nngn::SphereCollider, nngn::SpriteAnimation, nngn::SpriteRenderer, nngn::Textures, nngn::VoxelRenderer, TextureTest
- load_alpha() : TextureTest
- load_cache() : TextureTest
- load_data() : AnimationTest, nngn::Textures
- load_data_test() : TextureTest
- load_err() : TextureTest
- load_font() : anonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp}::OpenGLBackend, anonymous_namespace{terminal.cpp}::TerminalBackend, anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend, nngn::Graphics, nngn::Pseudograph
- load_ids() : TextureTest
- load_max() : TextureTest
- load_textures() : anonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp}::OpenGLBackend, anonymous_namespace{terminal.cpp}::TerminalBackend, anonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp}::VulkanBackend, nngn::Graphics, nngn::Pseudograph, TextureTestGraphics
- load_tiles() : MapTest, nngn::Map
- lock() : nngn::Socket::lock
- log() : nngn::AdHocTimer
- look_at() : CameraTest, nngn::Camera, nngn::Math
- look_at_data() : CameraTest
- loop() : nngn::Platform
- lua_alloc() : nngn::lua::alloc_info
- lua_fn() : FunctionTest
- lua_on_collision() : nngn::Colliders
- lua_vector() : nngn::lua_vector< T >
- LuaSyntaxHighlighter() : nngn::LuaSyntaxHighlighter