►Nanonymous_namespace{alloc.cpp} | |
Callocation | |
►Ctracker | |
Crebind | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{compute.cpp} | |
CAABBCollider | |
CBBCollider | |
CCollision | |
CComputeBackend | |
CEvents | |
CGravityCollider | |
CPlaneCollider | |
CSphereCollider | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{graphics.cpp} | |
CGraphicsSource | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{lua_schedule.cpp} | |
Centry | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{main.cpp} | |
CLauncher | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{native.cpp} | |
CNativeBackend | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{opencl.cpp} | |
CDevice | |
►COpenCLBackend | |
Climits | |
CPlatform | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{opengl.cpp} | |
CGLFramebuffer | |
CGLShadowCube | |
CGLShadowMap | |
COpenGLBackend | |
CPipeline | |
►CRenderList | |
►CStage | |
CBuffer | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{pseudo.cpp} | |
CPseudocomp | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{register_test.cpp} | |
Cmember | |
Cuser_type | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{scoped_test.cpp} | |
CCalled | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{stack_test.cpp} | |
Cuser_type | |
Cuser_type_align | |
Cuser_type_destructor | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{state_test.cpp} | |
CS | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{static_vector_test.cpp} | |
CS | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tagging_test.cpp} | |
Callocation | |
►Ctracking | |
Crebind | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{terminal.cpp} | |
CTerminal | |
►CTerminalBackend | Graphics back end for character terminals |
►CRenderList | |
CStage | |
CTerminalSource | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{tracking_test.cpp} | |
Callocation | |
►Cinfo | |
Cdata | |
►Cnested_tracker | |
Crebind | |
►Crealloc_tracker | |
Crebind | |
►Ctracker | |
Crebind | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{types_test.cpp} | |
CS0 | |
CS1 | |
CS2 | |
►Nanonymous_namespace{vulkan.cpp} | |
►CBuffers | |
CConfiguration | |
CCameraDescriptorSets | |
CLightingDescriptorSets | |
►CRenderList | |
CStage | |
CShaders | |
CShadowCube | |
CShadowMap | |
CTexArray | |
CTextureDescriptorSets | |
CUBODescriptorSets | |
►CVulkanBackend | |
CPost | |
►Nnngn | |
►Ndetail | |
CBuffer | A buffer and its associated memory allocation |
Cchain_cast | |
Cfn_args | |
Cfn_args< R(*)(A...)> | |
Ctypes_first | |
Ctypes_first< types_impl< T, Ts... > > | |
Ctypes_impl | |
Ctypes_last | |
Ctypes_last< types_impl< Ts... > > | |
Ctypes_tag | |
Cvk_create_info_type_impl | |
►Nlua | |
►Ndetail | |
Cfunction_base | Reference to a function on the stack |
Ctable_accessor | Internal type used in nested table accesses |
Ctable_base | CRTP base for stack table types |
Ctable_base_tag | Tag to relate all table_base instantiations via inheritance |
Ctable_iter | lua_next -based table iterator |
Ctable_iter_base | CRTP base for table iterators |
Ctable_proxy_tag | Tag to relate all table_proxy instantiations via inheritance |
Ctable_seq_iter | ipairs -style table iterator |
Cuser_data_base | Base operations which do not depend on the template type |
►Calloc_info | Tracks state allocations |
Cinfo | Allocation information for each type |
Cdefer_pop | Pops n values from the Lua stack at scope exit |
Cerror | "Pushing" this value causes lua_error to be called |
Cfunction_value | Owning reference to a function on the stack |
Cfunction_view | Non-owning reference to a function on the stack |
Cglobal_table | Table interface to the global environment |
Cnil_type | Used to push nil values onto the stack |
Cstack_get | Reads a value from the Lua stack |
Cstack_get< bool > | Converts a value to boolean using Lua's rules (i.e |
Cstack_get< const char * > | Reads a C string value |
Cstack_get< const lua_vector< T > & > | |
Cstack_get< lua_CFunction > | Reads a lua_CFunction value |
Cstack_get< lua_vector< T > * > | |
Cstack_get< pos > | |
Cstack_get< state_view > | |
Cstack_get< std::optional< T > > | Reads a T if a value exists at that index (no type check is performed) |
Cstack_get< std::string > | Reads a string value as ptr+size |
Cstack_get< std::string_view > | Reads a string value as ptr+size |
Cstack_get< std::tuple< Ts... > > | Reads a sequence of values from the stack |
Cstack_get< std::vector< T > > | Reads a table array as a vector |
Cstack_get< T & > | Reads a user type as a full user data value (reference overload) |
Cstack_get< T * > | Reads a light user data value as void* |
Cstack_get< T > | Reads a value convertible to lua_Integer |
Cstack_push | Pushes a value onto the Lua stack |
Cstack_push< bool > | Pushes a value as a Lua boolean |
Cstack_push< const char * > | Pushes a C string value |
Cstack_push< error< T > > | Emits an error |
Cstack_push< lua_CFunction > | Pushes a lua_CFunction value |
Cstack_push< lua_vector< T > > | |
Cstack_push< nil_type > | Pushes a Lua nil value |
Cstack_push< R(*)(Args...)> | Pushes a function pointer |
Cstack_push< R(T::*)(Args...) const > | Same as the previous specialization, but for const member functions |
Cstack_push< R(T::*)(Args...)> | Same as the previous specialization, but for member functions |
Cstack_push< std::optional< T > > | Pushes a T if the object contains a value, otherwise nothing |
Cstack_push< std::string > | Convenience specialization for the std::string_view overload |
Cstack_push< std::string_view > | Pushes a ptr+size string value |
Cstack_push< std::tuple< Ts... > > | Pushes a sequence of values onto the stack |
Cstack_push< std::variant< Ts... > > | Pushes the active member of the variant |
Cstack_push< T & > | Pushes a user type as a full user data value (reference specialization) |
Cstack_push< T * > | Pushes a generic pointer as a light user data value |
Cstack_push< T > | Pushes a value convertible to lua_Integer |
Cstack_push< table_proxy< T, Ks... > > | |
Cstack_push< void > | Generic version of stack_push, deduces type from the argument |
Cstate | Owning lua_State wrapper |
Cstate_view | |
Cstatic_register | Registers a function to be executed when the Lua state is initialized |
Ctable | Owning reference to a table on the stack, popped when destroyed |
Ctable_proxy | Expression template for table assignemnts |
Ctable_view | Non-owning reference to a table on the stack |
Ctraceback | Type used to output the Lua call stack |
Cuser_data | Data block allocated for user data objects |
Cuser_data< T > | |
Cuser_data_header | Header placed before a user data allocation |
Cvalue | Owning stack value reference |
Cvalue_view | Base, non-owning generic stack value reference |
►Nterm | |
CANSIEscapeCode | ANSI escape code sequences |
►CFrameBuffer | |
CColoredPixel | |
CRasterizer | Axis-aligned sprite rasterizer with texture sampling |
CTerminal | Handles interactions with the output terminal |
CTexture | Buffer holding texture image data |
CVT100EscapeCode | Character sequences to control a VT100 terminal |
CVT520EscapeCode | Character sequences to control a VT520 terminal |
CAABBCollider | |
►CAdHocTimer | |
CStep | |
►Calloc_block | Non-owning handle to an aggregate header and data block |
Cstorage | Underlying storage type |
Callocator_base | Base class for allocators, implements a few basic operations |
Callocator_opts | Configuration object for allocator_base |
Calways_false | |
CAnimation | |
►CAnimationFunction | |
Clinear_t | |
CAnimations | |
CANSIEscapeCode | ANSI escape code sequences |
CAudio | Audio manager |
CAudioWidget | |
CAudioWorker | |
CBBCollider | |
►CBindingGroup | |
CInfo | |
CBuffer | |
CCamera | Abstract orthographic/perspective camera |
CCameraUBO | |
CCollider | |
►CColliders | |
►CBackend | |
CInput | |
COutput | |
CCollision | |
CCollisionStats | |
CCommandPool | |
CComponentButton | |
CComponents | |
►CCompute | Base class for computation back ends, which may be hardware-accelerated |
CBuffer | |
CDataArg | Argument type for raw memory passed to the execution kernel "by value" |
CEvents | Controls dependencies between operations |
CHandle | Base class for handles to opaque compute objects |
CImage | |
CKernel | |
COpenCLParameters | |
CProgram | |
CSampler | |
CVersion | |
Cconstant | Function object which always produces the same value |
CCubeRenderer | |
CDedicatedBuffer | |
Cdelegate | Static container for a callable and its arguments |
Cdelegate_fn | Unique type for a function or member function pointer |
CDescriptorPool | |
CDescriptorSets | |
CDevice | Owning wrapper for a VkDevice |
CDeviceInfo | Aggregate type for information about a physical device |
CDeviceMemory | Manages device memory queries, allocations, and lifetime |
CDeviceMemoryInfo | Aggregate type for information about a device's memory heaps |
CEdit | |
Cfixed_string | |
CFlags | Wrapper for a small unsigned integral representing flags |
CFlowGridLayout | Resizable QGridLayout composed of uniform, fixed-size widgets |
►CFont | |
CCharacter | |
CFonts | |
CFPS | |
CFrameLimiter | Simulates a v-sync pause using sleep |
CGen | |
CGenerator | |
CGLBuffer | |
CGLDebugGroup | RAII-based debug group manager |
CGLFrameBuffer | |
►CGLFWBackend | |
CCallbackData | |
CGLPost | Post-processing operations |
CGLProgram | |
CGLShader | |
CGLTexArray | |
►CGraphics | |
CBufferConfiguration | |
CCamera | |
CDeviceInfo | |
CExtension | |
CLayer | |
CLighting | |
CMemoryHeap | |
CMemoryType | |
COpenGLParameters | |
CParameters | |
CPipelineConfiguration | |
CQueueFamily | |
►CRenderList | |
CStage | |
CSurfaceInfo | |
CTerminalParameters | |
CVersion | |
CVulkanParameters | |
►CGraphicsStats | |
CBuffers | |
CStaging | |
CGravityCollider | |
CGrid | |
CHandle | Base class for strongly-typed handles in 32-bit platforms |
CImage | |
►CInput | Dispatches keyboard input events to pre-registered Lua functions |
CSource | |
CInstance | Owning wrapper for a Vulkan instance |
CInstanceInfo | Aggregate type for information about an instance |
CLight | |
CLightAnimation | |
CLighting | |
CLightsUBO | |
►CLog | |
Ccontext | |
Creplace | |
Clua_vector | Type used to get/push vectors as user data in Lua |
►CLuaSyntaxHighlighter | |
Ccategory | |
CMap | |
Cmat | |
Cmat3_base | |
Cmat4_base | |
►CMath | |
Crnd_generator_t | |
Cmem_obj | |
Cmember_less | |
Cmember_obj_type | Type associated with a member object/function pointer |
Cmember_obj_type< O(T::*)> | |
Cmember_obj_type< R(T::*)(Args...)> | |
CMouseInput | Mouse event manager |
COpenGLHandle | |
Cowning_view | |
CPCMWidget | |
CPlaneCollider | |
CPlatform | |
Cpointer_flag | |
►CProfile | |
Ccontext | |
CProfileStats | |
CPseudograph | |
Crange_to | |
Creallocator | Simple allocator which supports reallocation |
CRenderer | |
CRenderers | Rendering subsystem |
►CSchedule | Executor of deferred and recurrent tasks |
CBaseEntry | |
CEntry | |
CTimeEntry | |
Cscoped | |
►CSocket | |
Clock | |
CSourceEditor | |
CSphereCollider | |
►CSpriteAnimation | |
CFrame | |
CSpriteRenderer | |
►CStagingBuffer | Manages staging buffers for a group of frames |
CAllocation | Result of a block allocation |
CFrame | Data for a single frame |
CFreeBuffer | Buffer in the free list, ready to be reused |
CMappedRegion | Region mapped for writting |
►Cstatic_vector | Fixed-size vector with an embedded free list |
Centry | |
CStats | |
CStatsBase | |
CSun | |
CSurfaceInfo | Aggregate type for information about a surface |
►CSwapChain | Presentation swap chain and associated objects |
CPresentContext | Information used to present an image |
►Ctagging_allocator | Generic implementation of a malloc(3) -style allocator with headers |
Crebind | |
CTerminal | Handles interactions with the output terminal |
CText | |
►CTextbox | |
CCommand | |
CTextures | Texture manager, loads and caches image data from files/buffers |
CTiming | |
Cto | Function object which converts its argument to T via static_cast |
►Ctracking_allocator | Allocator which tracks the amount of memory allocated |
Crebind | |
►CVAO | |
CAttrib | |
Cvec | |
Cvec2_base | |
Cvec3_base | |
Cvec4_base | |
Cvec_type | |
Cvec_type< T, 2 > | |
Cvec_type< T, 3 > | |
Cvec_type< T, 4 > | |
CVertex | |
CVoxelRenderer | |
CVT100EscapeCode | Character sequences to control a VT100 terminal |
CVT520EscapeCode | Character sequences to control a VT520 terminal |
►CWAV | A non-owning wrapper for a byte buffer containing a WAV file |
Csegment | |
►Nstd | |
Ctuple_size< nngn::fixed_string< N > > | |
CAnimationTest | |
CBlockTest | |
CCameraTest | |
CCollisionBench | |
CCollisionComputeBench | |
CCollisionNativeBench | |
CCollisionTest | |
CComputeTest | |
CDirLights | |
CEntities | |
CEntity | |
CEntityBench | |
CEntityTest | |
CFlagsTest | |
CFloatWidget | |
CFontTest | |
CFpsTest | |
CFunctionTest | |
CGraph | |
CInputTest | |
CInspectWorker | |
CIntWidget | |
CLightTest | |
CLineReader | |
CLogTest | |
CLuaBench | |
CMapTest | |
CMapTestGraphics | |
CMathTest | |
CMatTest | |
CNativeTest | |
CPlotWorker | |
CPointLights | |
CPoller | |
CReallocTest | |
CRegisterTest | |
CRenderTest | |
CScheduleTest | |
CScopedTest | |
CStackTest | |
CStateTest | |
CStaticVectorTest | |
CSunTest | |
CTableTest | |
CTaggingTest | |
CTerminalTest | |
Ctest_struct | |
►CTestRegistry | |
CR | |
CTextboxTest | |
CTextTest | |
CTextureTest | |
CTextureTestGraphics | |
CTrackingTest | |
CTypesTest | |
CUtilsTest | |
CWindow | |
CWorker | |