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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cnngn::alloc_block< H, T >Non-owning handle to an aggregate header and data block
 Cnngn::lua::alloc_infoTracks state allocations
 Cnngn::StagingBuffer::AllocationResult of a block allocation
 Cnngn::allocator_base< T, o >Base class for allocators, implements a few basic operations
 Cnngn::allocator_optsConfiguration object for allocator_base
 Cnngn::ANSIEscapeCodeANSI escape code sequences
 Cnngn::term::ANSIEscapeCodeANSI escape code sequences
 Cnngn::AudioAudio manager
 Cnngn::detail::BufferA buffer and its associated memory allocation
 Cnngn::CameraAbstract orthographic/perspective camera
 Cnngn::detail::chain_cast< T >
 Cnngn::ComputeBase class for computation back ends, which may be hardware-accelerated
 Cnngn::constant< x >Function object which always produces the same value
 Cnngn::Profile::context< T >
 Cnngn::Compute::DataArgArgument type for raw memory passed to the execution kernel "by value"
 Cnngn::lua::defer_popPops n values from the Lua stack at scope exit
 Cnngn::DeviceOwning wrapper for a VkDevice
 Cnngn::DeviceInfoAggregate type for information about a physical device
 Cnngn::DeviceMemoryManages device memory queries, allocations, and lifetime
 Cnngn::DeviceMemoryInfoAggregate type for information about a device's memory heaps
 Cnngn::static_vector< T >::entry
 Cnngn::lua::error< T >"Pushing" this value causes lua_error to be called
 Cnngn::Compute::EventsControls dependencies between operations
 Cnngn::fixed_string< N >
 Cnngn::Flags< T >Wrapper for a small unsigned integral representing flags
 Cnngn::Flags< Collider::Flag >
 Cnngn::Flags< Debug >
 Cnngn::Flags< Flag >
 Cnngn::detail::fn_args< T >
 Cnngn::detail::fn_args< R(*)(A...)>
 Cnngn::StagingBuffer::FrameData for a single frame
 Cnngn::FrameLimiterSimulates a v-sync pause using sleep
 Cnngn::lua::detail::function_base< CRTP >Reference to a function on the stack
 Cnngn::lua::detail::function_base< function_value >
 Cnngn::lua::detail::function_base< function_view >
 Cnngn::GLDebugGroupRAII-based debug group manager
 Cnngn::GLPostPost-processing operations
 Cnngn::Compute::HandleBase class for handles to opaque compute objects
 Cnngn::HandleBase class for strongly-typed handles in 32-bit platforms
 Cnngn::lua::alloc_info::infoAllocation information for each type
 Cnngn::InputDispatches keyboard input events to pre-registered Lua functions
 Cnngn::InstanceOwning wrapper for a Vulkan instance
 Cnngn::InstanceInfoAggregate type for information about an instance
 Cnngn::StagingBuffer::MappedRegionRegion mapped for writting
 Cnngn::mat< CRTP, T, N >
 Cnngn::mat< mat3_base, T, 3 >
 Cnngn::mat< mat4_base, float, 4 >
 Cnngn::mat< mat4_base, T, 4 >
 Cnngn::mem_obj< p >
 Cnngn::member_less< p >
 Cnngn::member_obj_type< typename >Type associated with a member object/function pointer
 Cnngn::MouseInputMouse event manager
 Cnngn::lua::nil_typeUsed to push nil values onto the stack
 Cnngn::OpenGLHandle< T >
 Cnngn::OpenGLHandle< GLBuffer >
 Cnngn::OpenGLHandle< GLFrameBuffer >
 Cnngn::OpenGLHandle< GLFramebuffer >
 Cnngn::OpenGLHandle< GLProgram >
 Cnngn::OpenGLHandle< GLShader >
 Cnngn::OpenGLHandle< GLTexArray >
 Cnngn::OpenGLHandle< VAO >
 Cnngn::owning_view< T >
 Cnngn::pointer_flag< T >
 Cnngn::SwapChain::PresentContextInformation used to present an image
 CTestRegistry::R< T >
 Cnngn::range_to< T >
 Cnngn::term::RasterizerAxis-aligned sprite rasterizer with texture sampling
 Canonymous_namespace{alloc.cpp}::tracker< T >::rebind< U >
 Canonymous_namespace{tagging_test.cpp}::tracking< T >::rebind< U >
 Canonymous_namespace{tracking_test.cpp}::nested_tracker< T >::rebind< U >
 Canonymous_namespace{tracking_test.cpp}::realloc_tracker< T >::rebind< U >
 Canonymous_namespace{tracking_test.cpp}::tracker< T >::rebind< U >
 Cnngn::tagging_allocator< D, A >::rebind< U >
 Cnngn::tracking_allocator< T, A >::rebind< U >
 Cnngn::RenderersRendering subsystem
 Cnngn::ScheduleExecutor of deferred and recurrent tasks
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< typename >Reads a value from the Lua stack
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< bool >Converts a value to boolean using Lua's rules (i.e
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< const char * >Reads a C string value
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< const lua_vector< T > & >
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< lua_CFunction >Reads a lua_CFunction value
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< lua_vector< T > * >
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< pos >
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< state_view >
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< std::optional< T > >Reads a T if a value exists at that index (no type check is performed)
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< std::string >Reads a string value as ptr+size
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< std::string_view >Reads a string value as ptr+size
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< std::tuple< Ts... > >Reads a sequence of values from the stack
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< std::vector< T > >Reads a table array as a vector
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< T & >Reads a user type as a full user data value (reference overload)
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< T * >Reads a light user data value as void*
 Cnngn::lua::stack_get< T >Reads a value convertible to lua_Integer
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< typename >Pushes a value onto the Lua stack
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< bool >Pushes a value as a Lua boolean
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< const char * >Pushes a C string value
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< error< T > >Emits an error
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< lua_CFunction >Pushes a lua_CFunction value
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< lua_vector< T > >
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< nil_type >Pushes a Lua nil value
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< R(*)(Args...)>Pushes a function pointer
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< R(T::*)(Args...) const >Same as the previous specialization, but for const member functions
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< R(T::*)(Args...)>Same as the previous specialization, but for member functions
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< std::optional< T > >Pushes a T if the object contains a value, otherwise nothing
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< std::string >Convenience specialization for the std::string_view overload
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< std::string_view >Pushes a ptr+size string value
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< std::tuple< Ts... > >Pushes a sequence of values onto the stack
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< std::variant< Ts... > >Pushes the active member of the variant
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< T & >Pushes a user type as a full user data value (reference specialization)
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< T * >Pushes a generic pointer as a light user data value
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< T >Pushes a value convertible to lua_Integer
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< table_proxy< T, Ks... > >
 Cnngn::lua::stack_push< void >Generic version of stack_push, deduces type from the argument
 Cnngn::StagingBufferManages staging buffers for a group of frames
 Cnngn::lua::static_registerRegisters a function to be executed when the Lua state is initialized
 Cnngn::StatsBase< CRTP, N >
 Cnngn::StatsBase< CollisionStats, 4 >
 Cnngn::StatsBase< ProfileStats, 2 >
 Cnngn::alloc_block< H, T >::storageUnderlying storage type
 Cnngn::SwapChainPresentation swap chain and associated objects
 Cnngn::lua::detail::table_base_tagTag to relate all table_base instantiations via inheritance
 Cnngn::lua::detail::table_proxy_tagTag to relate all table_proxy instantiations via inheritance
 Cnngn::term::TerminalHandles interactions with the output terminal
 Cnngn::TerminalHandles interactions with the output terminal
 Cnngn::term::TextureBuffer holding texture image data
 Cnngn::TexturesTexture manager, loads and caches image data from files/buffers
 Cnngn::to< T >Function object which converts its argument to T via static_cast
 Cnngn::lua::tracebackType used to output the Lua call stack
 Canonymous_namespace{alloc.cpp}::tracker< T >
 Canonymous_namespace{tracking_test.cpp}::tracker< T >
 Canonymous_namespace{tagging_test.cpp}::tracking< T >
 Cnngn::detail::types_first< T >
 Cnngn::detail::types_last< T >
 Cnngn::lua::user_data< T >
 Cnngn::lua::detail::user_data_baseBase operations which do not depend on the template type
 Cnngn::lua::user_data_header< T >Header placed before a user data allocation
 Cnngn::lua::value_viewBase, non-owning generic stack value reference
 Cnngn::vec< CRTP, T, N >
 Cnngn::vec< vec2_base, float, 2 >
 Cnngn::vec< vec2_base, std::int32_t, 2 >
 Cnngn::vec< vec2_base, std::uint32_t, 2 >
 Cnngn::vec< vec2_base, T, 2 >
 Cnngn::vec< vec3_base, float, 3 >
 Cnngn::vec< vec3_base, T, 3 >
 Cnngn::vec< vec4_base, float, 4 >
 Cnngn::vec< vec4_base, T, 4 >
 Cnngn::vec_type< T, N >
 Cnngn::detail::vk_create_info_type_impl< T >
 Cnngn::term::VT100EscapeCodeCharacter sequences to control a VT100 terminal
 Cnngn::VT100EscapeCodeCharacter sequences to control a VT100 terminal
 Cnngn::term::VT520EscapeCodeCharacter sequences to control a VT520 terminal
 Cnngn::VT520EscapeCodeCharacter sequences to control a VT520 terminal
 Cnngn::WAVA non-owning wrapper for a byte buffer containing a WAV file